Monday, August 27, 2007

We arrived in I-town at 7:30 p.m. Our pastor, Ramiro Teran, is from I-town originally and called ahead to find us a hotel with a closed-in parking lot. We met with the provincial Colonel of National Police. He sent four officers with us including a Lt. to the mercado. They even bargained for us! They escorted us back to the hotel where the Colonel and the Governor of the state were waiting for us. The president will be here tomorrow but we are pulling out for SL at 7 a.m. with a police escort.

Top Foto: We had wall-to-wall security. Thanks to this man, the Colonel of Police for the state where I-town is located.
Bottom Foto: Governor thanks Edwin and Joselito for the material help of milk, in particular.

Chip Lamca, Monday August 27

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