Monday, November 13, 2006

Who are these people and what are they doing at Arizona State? These are the Lamca's and they are dropping off Bryan, who attends the West Campus, as a freshman. He is living with Frank's brother Eric and is active in Young Life, a Christian organization. Bryan is involved in their drama team and is on a planning group for a spring mission trip to Peru. As for the little kid with the red thing in front of his face...well, we don't quite have him figured out!

Meanwhile, the rest of us are back in Quito, Ecuador. We have seen God do great things. One church, Shekinah, now has 10 cell groups and a mission church. Santisima Fe Church, has a mission called Nueva Aurora that is up and running and another in Caupicho that is just getting started.

1 comment:

franklamca said...

Wow! What a handsome and intelligent family. They must come from good stock.