Wednesday, April 25, 2007

English Bible Class

In this past year, Julie has been teaching an English Bible Class at a Christian School in South Quito. She goes in each Tuesday and works with 4th, 5th and 6th graders. Jul teaches a Bible lesson in English and then goes back over it in Spanish with the children. It has been a great deal of fun. Speaking as her husband, it has been awesome to see the children react to her. Better than class time is breaktime. The children pile up on her lap and all around her and ask her how to say one word or another in English. God has given her some great gifts and she is passing them along.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Few Good Men

Marcos is a truck driver. Six days a week, he travels the serpentine road from Quito (10,000 feet above sea level) down to the coastal city of Guayaquil. Several weeks ago, Marcos and several other men enrolled in a class we were teaching at his church. They learned to use the Jesus film as an evangelistic and discipleship tool. By showing a portion of the Gospel of Luke and them leading a discussion, they know how to help men get the answers for themselves from God’s Word.

Has this training been a benefit to Marcos? Marcos has been robbed 3 different times while driving his truck. Once, a gang drove up beside him, shot Marcos and his helper in order to steal their truck. Marcos´ helper was killed and aside from his gunshot wound, the subsequent crash left Marco with a mangled leg. Can you imagine then, what a help his men’s group was to him the very first week of training? That very week, Marcos had been offered a large sum of cash to go to a truckstop and leave the keys in the ignition. Having men to counsel with him and reinforce his decision not to give in to temptation may have saved his life. Many times, drivers in this type of arrangement are killed to both save the fee and eliminate a witness.

Due, in part, to this training, Marcos was able to help his wife and teenage daughter take the step of baptism. They were baptized along with 5 others on Easter morning.

Pray for Marcos and these other Few Good Men who are standing up for Christ. One of the other men from the group just got work on an oilrig in the jungle. Pray for Javier, that he will be able to use the Jesus Film DVD in leading Bible Studies with these men.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Jesus Film

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." In our day and age, one of the ways we "hear" is by "seeing." This Easter week, we had the chance to share the Jesus Film a couple of times. For those who do not know it, the Jesus Film is the Gospel of Luke in dramatic form. It is produced by Campus Crusade for Christ and is an awesome tool for evangelism. In another post, we will explain how we use if for discipleship, as well.

We showed the film at "Jesus is Lord" Baptist Church and the place was packed! We filled every seat and then every space. People were outside by the end. I was priviledged to bring a short message at the end.

The next night, we showed the film at a new work called ¨Rock of Zion¨ in GuamanĂ­ in South Quito. Turnout was low, as it was cold and raining, but people did come. Pray that seeds planted will grow.

We are sure thankful for people in Southern Baptist Churches who give every week for us to be here. In particular, we remember the investment by Dayspring Fellowship in Durham, North Carolina. They gave years ago for the projector we still use. Thanks to all for your gifts and prayers.